Business Center Dostyk

  • Location:

    Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Year:

  • Plot of Area:

    0, 5047 ha
  • Total Area :

    4 487 m2
  • Stage:

  • Floors:


The Dostyk Business Center, located in the southern part of the city near the Esentai River and the Small Almatinka River, stands as a symbol of modern business and style.

Its facade features decorative stone and is clad in aluminum panels, creating a striking visual texture. The building's orientation includes numerous glass surfaces, allowing natural light to fill the interiors, resulting in a bright and inviting atmosphere. From the windows and terraces of the business center, there are stunning panoramic views of the majestic Zailiysky Alatau mountains, providing both aesthetic delight and a sense of tranquility. The gilded aluminum panels that extend from the building's edges add a sense of rhythm and dynamism to the facade, making it truly unique.

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